We've all had mixtapes before. Whether it was was sitting next to your tape player and recording your masterpiece from one tape to the next, one track at a time, or making a mix CD for someone special, we are all familiar with the mixtape.
Today, however, mixtapes are a way for new artists to get noticed and exposed. Want to hear something new? Check out any number of mixtapes out there. Steve Aoki put one out recently, LA Riots have done a few. The car company Scion has been releasing a series of mixtapes featuring up-and-coming artists. Check them out.

I recently came across the best mixtape I've heard in a while. Meet Theophilus London, king of mixtapes.

Labeled as soul, new wave and pop, London's mixtape is all over the place. Theophilus London's influences range from Michael Jackson, Prince, KraftWerk, The Smiths, Plaid and Quincy Jones. London is not just another rapper. His subject matter doesn't include gold watches, rims and other nonsense you hear in hip hop nowadays. (Really now, am I expected to believe these millionaire "rappers" who don't really rap are still dangerous thugs? Please.) Theophilus sings about love, anger, life, disapointment. Real life.
This album has got electro and soul influences left and right. The way they are incorporated is genius. Part of me doesn't want this guy to blow up. I want his music and my little secret, my secret stash of amazing music. If he does blow up though, all the best to him. He deserves it. This is fresh new music for a scene that's gotten a bit stale.
I love this mixtape so much I've included a lot of music for you guys. Download the mixtape.
This song is the intro to the album. I really wish Theophilus London was playing Coachella. Maybe next year.
Here's Theophilus London with Grey X Sage (Album Intro)
One of my favorite songs on the mixtape. Theophilus London - Aquamilitia.
Not on the mixtape but still great. Theophilus London - TNT