Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wolf In A Spacesuit set to release limited edition vinyl

Wolf In A Spacesuit are releasing two singles, Bark of a Cedar and I Fee Nthg, on white vinyl through Hi-Scores Recording Library. The limited edition vinyl will be available in February but you can pre-order a copy now HERE. There are only 500 copies available, so if you're a lover of vinyl be sure to send in your order!

According to the Hi-Scores Recording Library website, Wolf In A Spacesuit are also scheduled to play a show at Piano's in Brooklyn, NY on Feb. 25th. The show will be part of a Hi-Scores Recording Library showcase. 

You can read our review of Wolf In A Spacesuit's debut EP, Pomegranate Stationary, HERE or read our interview with the wolves THIS WAY.

Posted by Eszter Zimanyi